Brought to you by Fintech Cadence in collaboration with Holt Accelerator, Ivey, and Lab Zed.

Welcome to Fintech Cadence's Canadian Fintech Ecosystem Map. We work hard at providing the most complete and comprehensive listing of all incorporated fintech organizations throughout Canada. You can use this map to learn more about a certain company or discover new innovative startups. The list can be sorted by location as well as by vertical to help you refine your search. This map was last updated in November 2019.

Canadian Provincial Fintechs Segmentation
Research / Consulting / Development
LogoCompany NameYear FoundedLocationEmployees
Element AI2016Montreal, QC483
Celero Solutions2003Calgary, AB223
Aion Network2017Toronto, ON83
Stradigi AI2005Montreal, QC77
Aequilirbium2012Vancouver, BC77
Torinit2015Toronto, ON61
MLG Blockchain2017Toronto, ON47
Filament AI2016Toronto, ON34
Fintech Growth Syndicate2016Toronto, ON31
Irosoft1995Montreal, QC25
Dataperformers2016Montreal, QC21
CXO Corporation2006Burlington, ON20
Stratx Consulting2017Toronto, ON8
Bendigi Tech Inc.2013Toronto, ON8
21MIL2013Montreal, QC8
Blockchain+2017Toronto, ON7
Veriphi2018Montreal, QC5
Quantum sense2017Montreal, ON4
Data Science Institute2012Montreal, QC4
AAIR.ai2017Montreal, QC3
TapTrack2011Toronto, ON2
One Dealer FinancialNAToronto, ON
Nash2017Montreal, QC
FinML2019Montreal, QC